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William H. Whyte

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Whyte, William H.(–1999), writer, USA.

William Hollingsworth Whyte (jr.) died on January 12, 1999 in New York, age 81. In 1956 he published the bestseller The Organization Man. Parts of the book are available online at http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/whyte-main.html


Albert Lafarge (Editor), Paul Goldberger, William H. Whyte, The Essential William H. Whyte, 2000


The Organization Man, 1956
Open Space Action. Report to the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission, 1962
The Last Landscape, 1968
The social life of small urban spaces, 1980
City. Rediscovering the Center, 1988
City. An in-depth Look at the People, the Movement, and the Buildings that Make a City Live, 1988

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