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Georg Brandes

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Brandes, Georg (1842–1927), literature historian, Denmark.

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Georg Morris Cohen Brandes, born 4 Febr 1842 in Copenhagen, died 19 Feb 1927 in the same town. Denmark's most famous and respected literature historian and critic of his time. Disciple of Comte, Taine, Renan, Mill, and Spencer; champion of materialism, especially in literature.

1859 student
1862 debut in Illustreret Tidende
1864 M.A. degree in aesthetics
1872--1877 taught at the University of Copenhagen
accused of radicalism
1877--1883 journalist, writer, and lecturer in Berlin
1883-- public lecturer in Copenhagen
1902-- professor of aesthetics at the University of Copenhagen

Georg's younger brother Edvard (1847-1931) was a playwright and politician.



Much of Georg Brandes' production consists of essays and newspaper articles portraying an author or providing criticism on a work of literature. These essays were published in several collections, some essays reappeared in different versions, and different editions of a collection may contain a different set of essays. The author's collected works (Samlede Skrifter, 18 vol., 1899-1910, see below) reprints individual essays, not the previously published collections.

In addition to the following publications and translations, Georg Brandes published numerous newspaper articles, contributed to several books, and edited (with Edvard Brandes) Det nittende Aarhundrede. Maanedsskrift for Literatur og Kritik, Oct 1874-Sept 1877, and Die Litteratur. Samlung illustrierter Einzeldarstellungen, 1904-1908.

Dualismen i vor nyeste Philosophie, 1866
Reprinted 1903 in Samlede Skrifter, vol. 13
Æsthetiske Studier, 1868
318 pages, a collection of essays
2nd ed. 1888, altered, 372 pages
Some of the essays were published separately in Samlede Skrifter, vol. 1-2
John Stuart Mill, Kvindernes Underkuelse, 1869
Danish translation by Georg Brandes
new ed. 1885
Den franske Æsthetik i vore Dage, 1870
285 pages, PhD dissertation
Reprinted 1903 in Samlede Skrifter, vol. 13
Kritiker og Portraiter, 1870
542 pages, a collection of essays
2nd ed. 1885, altered, 516 pages
Hovedstrømninger i det nittende Aarhundredes Literatur, 6 vol., 1872-1890
Lectures held at Copenhagen University 1871-1887
1. Emigrantlitteraturen, 1872
2. Den romantiske Skole i Tydskland, 1873
3. Reactionen I Frankrig, 1874
4. Naturalismen I England. Byron og hans Gruppe, 1875
5. Den romantiske Skole i Frankrig, 1882
6. Det unge Tyskland, 1890
2nd ed. 1877-1898, altered/revised
3rd ed. 1894 of part 1 only, revised
Reprinted 1900 in Samlede Skrifter, vol. 4-6
"Popular edition" (Folkeudgave), 1906-1907, 3 vol.
5th ed. 1923-1924, revised, 6 vol.
new ed. 1966-1967, modern spelling, 6 vol.
Traslated to German 1872-1887, 1882-1900, 1924, English 1901-1905, 1907, Polish 1882-1885, French 1902, Yiddish 1918, Spanish 1946, Russian, and Japanese
Forklaring og Forsvar. En Antikritik, 1872
Reprinted 1903 in Samlede Skrifter, vol. 13
John Stuart Mill, Moral grundet paa Lykke- eller Nytteprincippet, 1872
Danish translation by Georg Brandes
Gottfried Keller, Schweitsernoveller, 1875
Danish translation by Georg Brandes
Danske Digtere. Charakterbilleder, 1877
307 pages, a collection of essays
2nd ed. 1896, corrected and enhanced
Reprinted 1899 in Samlede Skrifter, vol. 1-2
Ferdinand Lasalle. Ein literarisches Charakterbild, 1877
in German
Reprinted in Samlade Skrifter, vol. 7
Danish version published 1881
Translated to Finnish 1881, 1909, Swedish 1906, English 1911
Søren Kierkegaard. En kritisk Fremstilling i Grundrids, 1877
Esaias Tegnér. En litteratur-psychologisk Studie, 1878
Benjamin Disraëli, Jarl af Beaconsfield. En litterær Charakteristik, 1878
Moderne Geister. Literarische Bildnisse aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 1882
in German
2nd ed. 1887, revised and enhanced
Mennesker og Værker i nyere evropæisk Litteratur, 1883
Det moderne Gjennembruds Mænd. En Række Portræter, 1883
2nd ed. 1891, revised
Ludvig Holberg. Et Festskrift, 1884
new ed. 1969
Berlin som tysk Rigshovedstad. Erindringer fra et femaarigt Ophold, 1885
Eminent Authors of the nineteenth Century. Literary Portraits, 1886
460 pages, in English, Transl. from the Original by Rasmus B. Anderson
Fire Forelæsninger i Skt. Petersburg og Moskva, 1887
Indtryk fra Polen, 1888
Indtryk fra Rusland, 1888
Essays, 2 vol., 1889
Udenlandske Egne og Personligheder, 1893
Das Autoritätsprincip und die Revolution von 1789, 1883
Shelley und Lord Byron. Zwei litterarische Charakterbilder. Mit besond. Berücksigtigung auf die Frauengestalten in ihrem Leben, 1893
Om Nationalfølelse. Foredrag holdt ved Indvielsen af det danske Studentersamfunds Lokaler den 1. Februar 1894, 1894
Menschen und Werke. Essays, 1894
William Shakespeare, 3 vol., 1895-1896
Rahel, Bettina und Charlotte Stieglitz. Drei literarisch-historische Charakterbilder aus der Zeit des »jungen Deutschland«, 1896
in German, translated by A. v. d. Linden
Heinrich Heine, 1897
155 pages
2nd ed. 1897
3rd ed. 1921, enhanced, 186 pages
Essays, 2 vol., 1897
in German, translated by A. v. d. Linden
Ludwig Börne und Heinrich Heine, 1898
Julius Lange. Breve fra hans Ungdom, 1898
about Danish art historian Julius Lange
Ungdomsvers, 1898
Henrik Ibsen, 1898
2nd ed. 1900 in Samlede Skrifter
3rd ed. 1916
Danskheden i Sønderjylland, 1899
Samlede Skrifter, 18 vol., 1899-1910
See separate listing below
See also Danmark, 1919
Dissolving Views. Charakterzeichnungen von Land, Natur und Kunst, 1899
Bogtrykkerkunstens Opfindelse. Foredrag..., 1900
Le grand homme. Origine et fin de la civilisation, 1903
Levned, 3 vol., 1905-1908
1. Barndom og første Ungdom, 1905
2. Et Tiaar, 1907
3. Snevringer og Horizonter, 1908
Part 1 translated to English 1906, German 1907
Anatole France, 1905
in German, translated by Ida Anders
Andrew Carnegie, Voldgift, 1906
Danish translation by Georg Brandes
Om Læsning, 1908
Før og nu. To tragiske Skæbner, 1911
Armand Carrel, 1911
Fugleperspektiv, 1913
a collection of essays and articles
Essais choisis, 1914
in French, translated by S. Garling, preface by Henri Albert
Wolfgang Goethe, 2 vol., 1915
2nd ed. 1915
3rd ed. 1919 (really 1920)
Verdenskrigen, 1916
322 pages, collection of articles
2nd ed. 1916, enhanced, 342 pages
3rd ed. 1916
4th ed. 1917, corrected and much enhanced, 448 pages
Translated to English 1917
Udvalgte Stykker, 1916
selected works, edited by Georg Christensen
Appel à la Paix, 1916
François de Voltaire, 2 vol., 1916-1917
new ed. 3 vol., 1967-1968
Napoleon og Garibaldi. Medaljer og Rids, 1917
2nd ed. 1917, revised
Das Verbrechen Englands und Russlands an Persien, 1918
in German, translated by Werner Peter Larsen
Cajus Julius Cæsar, 2 vol., 1918
2nd ed. 1921
Translated to Swedish 1918-1919, American 1918, Finnish 1922, German 1925
Sønderjylland under prøjsisk Tryk, 1919
Tragediens anden Del, Fredslutningen, 1919
Danmark, 3 vol., 1919
Only 3 volumes appeared of this unfinished 2nd ed. of Samlede Skrifter
Ansigtets gaade. 29 fysiognomiske regler efter standardværker og egne erfaringer, 1919
Taler, 1920
selected speeches
Homer, 1921
Electronic edition by Det Kongelige Bibliotek / Kulturnet Danmark, March 1996
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 2 vol., 1921
Translated to English ("Michelangelo. His life, his times, his era") 1963
Bogen, 1922
Vexelvirkning mellem italiensk og fremmed Aandsliv, 1922
Hertuginden af Dino og Fyrsten af Talleyrand, 1923
Hellas einst und jetzt, 1923
in German, translated by Erwin Magnus
Uimodstaaelige, 1924
148 pages
2nd ed. 1924, 148 pages
Hellas, 1925
Sagnet om Jesus, 1925
Petrus, 1926
Urkristendom, 1927
Liv og Kunst, 1929
articles published 1914-1927
Store Personligheder. Essays og Erindringer, 1930
articles published 1918-1927
Breve fra Georg Brandes, 1932
letters from Georg Brandes, edited by Louis Bobé
Kulturbilleder. Studier og Strejfog, 1932
219 pages
articles published 1909-1927
Georg Brandes' Breve til Hjemmet 1870-1871, 1938
letters to his home, edited by Alf Hjorth-Moritzsen
Kritikker og Afhandlinger
new selection, edited by Georg Christensen
Georg og Edv. Brandes. Brevvexling med nordiske Forfattere og Videnskabsmænd, 8 vol., 1939-1942
letters to and from Nordic authors and scientists, edited by Morten Borup with Francis Bull and John Landquist, published by Det danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
Dagbogsblade fra en Rejse i Slesvig 19. Juli - 26. Juli 1860, 1957
Introduction by Henning Fenger
Spørgsmålet om den europæiske literaturs fremtid, 1958
Afterword by Harald Herdal
Aristokratisk radikalisme, 1960
Essays, 1963
321 pages, edited by Werner Svendsen
Philomele eller rejsen til mit kammer. Dagbogsblade fra Georg Brandes' romerske sygeleje januar til marts 1871, 1967
Den politiske Georg Brandes, 1973
323 pages, edited by Hans Hertel and Sven Møller Kristensen
Breve til Forældrene 1859-71, 3 vol., 1978
edited by Morten Borup, published by Det danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab

Samlede Skrifter

Georg Brandes' collected works (Samlede Skrifter) were published in 18 volumes, 1899-1910. Volumes 13-18 are labeled supplement 1-6.

1. Danske Personligheder, 1899
2. Danske Personligheder, 1899
3. Hovedstrømninger i det 19. Aarhundredes Literatur, 1, 2, 1900
4. Hovedstrømninger i det 19. Aarhundredes Literatur, 3, 4, 1900
5. Hovedstrømninger i det 19. Aarhundredes Literatur, 5, 6, 1900
6. Den romantiske Skole i Frankrig. Det unge Tyskland, 1900
7. Franske Personligheder, 1901
8. William Shakespeare, 1, 2, 1901
9. William Shakespeare, 3. Lord Beaconsfield. John Stuart Mill, 1901
10. Indtryk fra Polen. Indtryk fra Rusland, 1902
11. Evropa. Asien, 1902
12. Tanker om Liv og Kunst etc. Navneregister, 1902
13. [Supplementsbind 1] 1903
Striden om Tro og Viden
Dualismen i vor nyeste Philosophie
Den franske Æsthetik i vore Dage
Skuespilkritik Sept 1867-Oct 1869
14. [Supplementsbind 2] 1904
Berlin som tysk Rigshovedstad
Julius Lange. Breve fra hans Ungdom
15. [Supplementsbind 3] Skikkelser og Tanker, 1, 1905
16. [Supplementsbind 4] Skikkelser og Tanker, 2, 1906
17. [Supplementsbind 5] Skikkelser og Tanker, 3, 1906
18. [Supplementsbind 6] Fra mange Tider og Lande, 1910

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