Jens Zetlitz
Sogneprest for Vigedahls Kald.
Kiøbenhavn, 1806.
Paa Boghandler C. L. Buchs Forlag.
Trykt hos Hofbogtrykker N. Christensen.
Detta verk har digitaliserats av Nasjonalbiblioteket i Oslo i april 2012 och anpassats till Projekt Runeberg i juni 2013 av Ralph E.
Titelsidans baksida och den inledande textsidan saknas tyvärr i denna digitalisering. Tacksam om någon kan komplettera.
This volume was scanned by the Norwegian National Library,
from where the scanned images were copied to Project Runeberg.
We very much appreciate that they have made this possible
and want to encourage other digital library projects to
follow their example. Read more about Project Runeberg's
image sources.